PTSR Disclosure | S2 Residential

PTSR Disclosure

  1. The prospective tenant has the right to provide to the landlord a portable screening report dated within the last 30 days, as defined in Section 38-12-902(2.5), Colorado Revised Statutes; and

  2. If the prospective tenant provides the landlord with a portable tenant screening report, the landlord is prohibited from: charging the prospective tenant a rental application fee; or charging the prospective tenant a fee for the landlord to access or use the portal tenant screening report.

§904(1.5)(e) - Technical Requirements of PTSR Disclosures

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(e) A landlord shall provide the advisement required in subsection (1.5)(d) of this section in a location and using a method reasonably likely to reach prospective tenants, including:

(I) In advertisements and other public notices of the dwelling unit's availability, displayed in at least twelve-point, bold-faced type unless the size, format, or display requirements of the advertisement or other public notice make this requirement impracticable, in which case the font and size of the advisement must match the rest of the advertisement or other public notice;

(II) On the home page of a website maintained by the landlord or the landlord's agent, including a property management company, displayed in at least twelve-point, bold-faced type;

(III) In a paper or an online rental application for the dwelling unit, displayed in at least twelve-point, bold-faced type; or

(IV) Orally, directly to a prospective tenant, with a written confirmation of receipt by the prospective tenant of the advisement.